In her essay announcing the podcast, Megan Phelps-Roper described Rowling as “a kind of saint” which has raised concerns from pro-trans activists about her supposed impartial position in the series.
“She thinks this way because of her experience leaving the WBC,” Wynn argued. “She’s extrapolated an entire political worldview: the basic problem facing humanity is too much ‘polarisation’. Megan does not seem to grasp that trans people are fighting for our lives, our right to exist in society.”
Wynn said she regretted her participation in the series and does not want her involvement to “lend any legitimacy to this.”
She concluded by saying: “I regret my participation and would not have participated had I fully understood the nature of the project. I feel I’ve been used and I share the sentiments of other trans people who are speaking out against it.”
By Amelia Hansford